How to keep going: Raising funds to keep your startup afloat

It is essential that a startup finds capital, including startup investments, to keep going, as it ensures the survival of the company as well as its growth. Startups should fundamentally understand the following areas: What are our main expenses?How do we stop haemorrhaging money?How do unforeseen events negatively affect the cash flow of a startup?What […]

September 22, 2023

It is essential that a startup finds capital, including startup investments, to keep going, as it ensures the survival of the company as well as its growth. Startups should fundamentally understand the following areas:

  • What are our main expenses?
  • How do we stop haemorrhaging money?
  • How do unforeseen events negatively affect the cash flow of a startup?
  • What avenues are there to secure funding for my startup?
  • How do I make changes to my business model to react to adverse situations?

Main Expenses for a Startup

Starting a new business comes with significant financial challenges. As a startup, navigating these expenses is crucial for success. Here are the main expenses that demand careful attention:

  1. Personnel: Hiring and compensating employees or contractors is a fundamental expense that can significantly impact a startup’s budget.Additionally, this has an impact on gaining funding for business as investors tend to look at the ways in which the company budget is affected.  Skilled professionals and developers are especially critical for building and growing the company.
  2. Technology and Infrastructure: Acquiring the necessary hardware, software, and technology infrastructure is a considerable cost, particularly for tech startups seeking startup investments. Investing in cutting-edge technology can give a competitive edge but requires careful budgeting.
  3. Marketing and Sales: Effectively promoting the product or service and acquiring customers is vital for startup growth. Allocating resources for marketing campaigns, advertising, and sales efforts is essential for establishing a presence in the market.
  4. Research and Development: Startups thrive on innovation, and investing in research and development is essential for refining the product, service, or technology, as well as securing funding for the business. This expense ensures that the company stays ahead of the competition and continues to meet customer needs.
  5. Operations: Keeping the business running smoothly involves various operational costs, such as rent, utilities, insurance, and other day-to-day expenses. Proper management of these costs is crucial for maintaining financial stability.
  6. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations is not only necessary but also comes with legal and compliance expenses, which may be supported by startup investments. Neglecting this aspect can lead to costly penalties and jeopardise the startup’s reputation.

Understanding and efficiently managing these main expenses is vital for a startup’s survival and long-term success. Careful budgeting, strategic decision-making, and a focus on cost-effectiveness will help startups navigate these financial challenges and position themselves for growth in the competitive market landscape. By effectively managing these expenses, startups can allocate resources smartly, drive innovation, and create a solid foundation for sustained success and growth. Thus, the investors who were involved in funding the business will also be satisfied. 

Stopping Money Haemorrhage

For a startup, managing finances efficiently is the key to survival and growth. To stop money haemorrhage and improve financial health, implementing the following strategies is crucial:

  1. Expense Analysis: Conduct a thorough review of all expenses, including those related to startup investments. Identify non-essential or excessive costs that can be reduced or eliminated. This critical analysis will help free up resources for more impactful investments, allowing startups to allocate their funds strategically and make the most out of their available capital or startup investments gained.
  2. Focus on Revenue Generation: Prioritise revenue-generating activities that directly contribute to the bottom line. Explore new sales channels and marketing strategies to increase cash flow and ensure a steady income stream.
  3. Negotiate with Suppliers: Engage in proactive negotiations with suppliers to secure better terms and pricing. Aim for discounts, favourable payment arrangements, or bulk purchase deals to reduce costs. By effectively negotiating with suppliers, startups can optimize their budget allocation and maximize the value of their funding business for various operational needs.
  4. Optimise Inventory and Production: Keep a close eye on inventory levels and production processes. Avoid overstocking, which ties up capital and leads to storage costs. Optimise production to reduce wastage and related expenses.
  5. Renegotiate Contracts: Regularly reevaluate existing contracts with vendors, service providers, and partners. Seek opportunities to renegotiate terms for better rates or find more cost-effective alternatives that align with the startup’s needs. By consistently reviewing and optimizing contracts, startups can ensure that their resources, including startup investments, are being used efficiently and in ways that support their growth and success.
  6. Lean Approach: Embrace a lean startup approach that focuses on resource efficiency and avoiding unnecessary expenses. Encourage a culture of cost-consciousness throughout the organisation to make every penny count.

By implementing these strategies, startups can plug financial leaks and build a more sustainable and profitable business, while attracting funding for business. Controlling expenses, maximizing revenue, and embracing a lean mindset will pave the way for long-term success and stability in a competitive business environment. These financial practices not only contribute to the immediate financial health of the startup but also set the foundation for securing startup investments.

Unforeseen Events’ Impact on Startups

Unforeseen events, such as economic downturns, market shifts, changes in regulations, or global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, can have a significant impact on startups. These events can lead to decreased revenue, increased expenses, delayed funding for business, or even disrupt the market. Startups should be prepared for such situations by maintaining a contingency fund and having a flexible business plan to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

How to Find Capital on an Ongoing Basis

Finding capital to keep a startup going is crucial for its survival and growth. There are several ways startup companies can secure funding, and it often depends on the stage of development and the specific industry. Here are some common methods you may use:

  1. Bootstrapping: In the early stages, founders use their savings or personal resources to fund the startup. This can include using credit cards, borrowing from family and friends, or even working part-time jobs to support the venture.
  2. Angel Investors: Angel Investors are individuals who provide startup investments from their personal funds in exchange for equity ownership. They often provide capital, mentorship, and valuable connections to help the startup succeed.
  3. Venture Capital: Venture capital (VC) firms provide funding for business with high growth potential in exchange for equity. VCs typically look for startups with scalable business models and the potential to achieve significant returns on investment.
  4. Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow startups to raise funds from a large number of people, often in exchange for early access to products or other rewards.
  5. Accelerators and Incubators: Joining startup accelerators or incubators can provide access to funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities to help startups grow rapidly.
  6. Bank Loans or Lines of Credit: Some startups may qualify for traditional bank loans or lines of credit if they have a strong business plan and financials.
  7. Strategic Partnerships and Corporate Investments: Established companies may invest in or form partnerships with startups that align with their strategic goals and interests.

Finding funding for business capital for startups is the principal reason for’s very existence. Become a member and talk to one of our advisors today on what method of funding is right for you. Within our extensive network of investors will be the perfect fit for your capital needs.

Making Changes to the Business Model

Whenever there are significant unforeseen changes that affect your cash flow, capital, or startup investments, you need to be prepared to adapt your business model on the fly. To adapt their business model, you should follow these steps:

  1. Stay Agile: Foster a culture of adaptability and openness to change within the organisation.
  2. Customer Feedback: Gather feedback from customers to understand their needs and pain points and be willing to pivot based on this input.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Use data analytics to gain insights into market trends and customer behaviour, which can inform necessary adjustments to the business model.
  4. Experimentation: Conduct small-scale experiments to evaluate new ideas or features before fully implementing them. This may also help in attracting funding for business. 
  5. Iterate and Refine: Continuously iterate on the business model based on real-world feedback and performance metrics.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on industry trends, competitors, and technological advancements to identify opportunities and potential threats.

By being adaptable and responsive to changing circumstances, startups can increase their chances of success and secure the startup investments and capital needed to keep growing. If you need any advice on refining your business model, consider becoming an member today and we will guide you through the process.